Who Am I?

Passionate Game Programmer and freelance software engineer joining the industry with 5+ years of experience with game development tools and practices. I design and develop gameplay mechanics and systems and help guide app development with the University of West Indies [Under NDA]. I am currently an instructor teaching kids how to make their own games using Unity and Roblox.
I get excited about building intricate character controllers and interconnected game systems. I love working with and learning from new people, connect with me using my contact form below or via LinkedIn. Check out some clips and trailers of projects I've worked on here on Youtube. Play some of my projects posted on Itch.io. Or you can also check out my Github Repositories.

My whole I've always been obsessed with the intersections of technology and art. I'm fascinated by how stories are developed, not just by creators, but also the stories created from users themselves. I developed my first game at the ege of 11 through GameMaker and my drive to be involved in the industry hasn’t waivered since. As an Alumnni of George Brown Game Programming I learned the art of Google-Fu and the many facets of game development. Everything from Production cycles to AI algorithms. More than anything I'm driven to grow as a developer and learn what is possible in the space of interactive arts. I love playing games of a multitude of genres from RTS and shooters to point and click adventure and platformers.